Das Projekt "Philosophy and Cultural Studies meet Wine" vernetzt international seit 2001 thematisch relevante Forschungstätigkeiten. Nachfolgend eine grundlegende Auswahl an Aufsätzen.
Bowie, A. M. 1997. Thinking with Drinking. Wine and the Symposium in Aristophanes. Journal of Hellenic Studies 117: 1-21.
Demossier, Marion 2011. Beyond terroir: territorial construction, hegemonic discourses, and French wine culture. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 17(4): 685-705.
Devonish, Hubert 2011. 'Wine', Women and Song: The More Things Change… Sexuality and Culture 15(4): 332-344.
Fretter, William B. 1971. Is Wine an Art Object? Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30: 97-100.
Howland, Peter J. 2013. Distinction by proxy: The democratization of fine wine. Journal of Sociology 49: 325-340.
Mouret, Marion / et al. 2013. Social representations of wine and culture: A comparison between France and New Zealand. Food Quality and Preference 30(2): 102-107.
North, Adrian 2012. The effect of background music on the taste of wine. British Journal of Psychology 103 (3): 293-301.
Peters, Michael A. 2009. Dreams of Dionysus. Wine, Philosophy and Eros. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 8: 36-52.
Saunders, Ben 2012. J. S. Mill's Conception of Utility. Utilitas 22 (1): 52-69.
Smith, Barry C. 2013. Taste, Philosophical Perspectives. In. Pashler, Harold E. (ed.). Encyclopedia of the Mind. Los Angeles, Sage Publication: 731-734.
Smith, Barry C. 2012. Perspective: Complexities of Flavour. Nature 486 (S6)
Smith, Barry C. 2014. The nature of sensory experience. The case of taste and tasting. https://sas.academia.edu/BarrySmith
Smith, Barry C. 2007. The Objectivity of Taste and Tasting. In. Smith, Barry (ed.). Questions of Taste. The Philosophy of Wine. Oxford, OUP: 41-77.
Trubek, Amy B. 2004. Incorporating Terroir: L'Affaire Mondavi. Gastronomica 4 (3): 90-99.
Universität Wien: Instituts für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde Papyrologie und Epigraphik 2014.04.09. Trinkgelage der Antike. http://medienportal.univie.ac.at/uniview/forschung/detailansicht/artikel/trinkgelage-der-antike/
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